
Gear ring

    Product description
    As one of the major parts of rotary kiln, ball crusher, dryer etc., as well as a long time operation required of the cylinder, the quality of the gear ring casting is highly required. HC gear ring is made of high-quality materials and cast with advanced technique, with excellent abrasion resistance and long service life.

    Product parameters

    [Processing weight]: 10~35t
    [Major material]: ZG45, ZG42CrMO

Machining Strength:

HC adopts high-quality& strength steel to optimize the gear ring casting based on the transmission characteristics of a rotary kiln, ball crusher and dryer, It not only ensures the transmission stability of the equipment but also improves the bearing capacity of the equipment and extends the service life.

HC has rich experience in the production of large rotary kilns, ball crushers and dryers.

The professional heating treatment technology is adopted in the casting, which greatly improves the hardness of the refined product, the thickness of the flange is uninformed, the flaw detection reaches the level 2 provisions in GB7233, greatly enhanced wear resistance and impact resistance

HC could do wholesale customization according to the blueprint provided by customers

Machining Flow

Casting simulation - wood mould making - pit modelling - molten steel smelting - material testing - metal founding - casting cleaning - heating treatment - polishing& finishing - shot blasting - machining - nondestructive testing - packaging & delivering